Night Shift Prep – Bus stops in SWOLEVILLE

AO: Jericho

When: 2024-06-07

QIC: Swiper

PAX (10): Cha-Ching, Diego, Napalm, Pinkman, Soul Glo, Spit Valve, Swiper, Todd Doherty l F3 UMass, Valley Girl, Whiz


YHC spitballed some Q's at the beginning of the year and somehow wound up with B2B Qs right in front of the Night Shift Adventure Run.  Trading away my Jericho felt like a soft ___ move so what the hell, let's stay with it...


Mosey over to the Shaft (for sentimental reasons, I can't seem to go anywhere else for warm up:).  All IC Windmills Good Mornings Willie Mays Hayes Hillbillies SSH

The Thang:

Mosey over to the football for some non-running activity; Escalators to the 20, 40, 60, 80, 100.  Mosey to the gridline, NUR back to the end zone after each round 5 burpees 5 burpees; 10 Hand release mercans 5 burpees; 10 Hand release mercans; 20 lunges 5 burpees; 10 Hand release mercans; 20 lunges; 30 LBCs 5 burpees; 10 Hand release mercans; 20 lunges; 30 LBCs; 40 squats   Round 2 - same drill, but replace with 3 Wolverines 10 Wide Mercans 20 Reverse Lunges (Alpha count) 30 Flutters (Cumming Count) 40 Star Jumps   Return to the center for a Block Webb (I think that's what it's called) 1:4 ratio - Mercans/ Air Press Start at 1:4, go all the way to 10:40


  • Night Shift Adventure Run this Saturday night.  Prayers for safety and strength to endure
  • Prayers for YHC's M and 2.0 hiking the Camino De Santiago for the next 2 weeks
  • Prayers for F3 Cumming as we prepare for the region launch

Naked-Man Moleskin:

The 37 mile Night Shift Run is a really scary proposition.  It's more than twice the distance most of us have ever run in our entire lives.  For a few of us, it will be our first attempt at a 50K and I'm sure my fellow Night Shifters feel the same anxiety YHC does, even if they may have completed one in the past.  Great quote by Ansel Adams today on the unlazyrunner channel with a question to ask yourself...instead of having your mind go to "what if I can't"  complete this race and spiraling into the abyss, why not ask yourself, "what if I CAN" complete this race and set your sights on the finish line?  What would THAT mean?  Right now I don't know, but I do know this, it's on at 7 PM tomorrow...LFG boys!!!

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