Decathlon Redux

AO: Black Widow

When: 2024-06-08

QIC: Speedo

PAX (18): Cox, Dark_Side, Deep dish, DeLorean, FannyPack, Feathers, Funyun, G String, Ha-ha, HIPAA, Skip-pe, Speedo, Stu, TP, Zohan, Github, Frogger, Jarvis


Creativity eluded me once again so I did what any seasoned F3 man would do and went looking for a workout to plagiarize. Earlier this week Strava reminded me of the awful Decathlon that Stroller brought us so I thought a re-do of that event was in store. Modified the format to leverage lessons learned, created the board of pain and we were ready. Two pre-runners and two and half pre-ruckers enjoyed a 60 degree start.


Mosey to the top of the hill for:
  • Weed pickers
  • Hillbillies
  • Copperhead squats
  • SSH
  • Hangovers
  • Phelps/monkey arms

The Thang:

At the bottom of the hill, the previously-hidden BOP was revealed and YHC ran through the list of 10 exercises. After some attempts by the PAX at stalling/delaying the start of the workout we began.
  1. 100 flutter kicks alpha, run to the top of the hill and back
  2. Bear crawl from crosswalk to end of guardrail, run back
  3. 100 side-squats up the hill, run to the top of the hill and back
  4. Bernie up the hill, run back
  5. 100 LBCs, run to the top of the hill and back
  6. Run the lower loop stopping on the back bridge for 100 monkey humpers
  7. Broad jump from crosswalk to end of guardrail and back
  8. 100 mercans, run to the top of the hill and back
  9. Run the lower loop
  10. 50 burpees, run to the top
A couple guys finished and a few more got well into their burpees before the last trip up the hill was called. Back to the flag for time.


Lots of shirt action going on including a deal for NLB. Check Slack for details. Q Source ideas were discussed and will hopefully reemerge soon. Feathers is organizing a fundraiser/challenge in July to honor his niece who died of type 1 diabetes last year. Check Slack for details. Prayers for F3 Drain Hole who lost his M recently. Prayers for unspoken requests and praises.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Great times this morning. Thanks for playing along and pushing hard. That was not an easy workout and don't forget to thank Stroller for creating it for us a year ago. --Speedo out

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