Chat GPT’s “The Killer” F3 Workout

AO: Gladiator

When: 2024-06-11

QIC: Macbeth

PAX (18): Butterknife, Cheneral, DREAMER, Dutch Oven, Macbeth, Manchester, Mater, Postal, RaspberryPi, Scratch-Off, Shrimp, Slider, Spandex, Speedo, Strong Arm, McNasty, B Lock A, Huey


F3 (Fitness, Fellowship, Faith) workouts are known for their intensity and camaraderie. Creating an incredibly challenging F3-style workout that lasts 45 minutes is no small feat, but here's a tough and grueling routine that will push everyone's limits.


Warm-up (5 minutes): i.e Warm-o-rama  
  • Mosey to parking lot by coupons
  • 20 arm circles (forward and backward)
  • 20 bodyweight squats
  • 20 high knees
  • 20 seconds of plank

The Thang:

Workout (40 minutes): The Thang This workout consists of five challenging circuits. Perform each circuit for 8 minutes with minimal rest between exercises. Complete as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) within each circuit.   Circuit 1 - Burpee Madness: Burpees: 10 reps Broad Jumps: 10 reps Star Jumps: 10 reps Tuck Jumps: 10 reps **MOSEY TO COUPONS** Circuit 2 - Cinder Block Chaos: (replace cinder with coupon) Cinder Block Thrusters: 10 reps Cinder Block Deadlifts: 10 reps Cinder Block Ground-to-Overheads: 10 reps Cinder Block Russian Twists: 20 reps (10 reps per side) **MOSEY TO FIELD** Circuit 3 - Insane Running Intervals: Sprint 50 meters Walking Lunges 50 meters Bear Crawls 50 meters Crab Walks 50 meters **MOSEY TO A WALL** Circuit 4 - Bodyweight Challenge: Handstand Merkins (against a wall): 5 reps Pistols Squats (alternating legs): 5 reps per leg Spiderman Merkins: 10 reps (5 reps per side) Jump Squat (strict form): 5 reps (modify as needed) **MOSEY TO THE FLAG** Circuit 5 - Core Crusher: Big Boys: 10 reps Leg Lifts: 10 reps Plank Shoulder Taps: 20 reps (10 reps per side) Flutter Kicks: 50 reps (4-count)


Announcements: Site Q Hand-off next Tuesday 6/18, be there, it will be fun Prayer: Mater & Spandex job searching, Praise that David (Speedo's neighbor) is doing well after heart transplant, prayers for Hitchcock and his pulled hamstring and Darkside's sciatica pain.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

This AO has been so consistent that I've never needed to pull out my JICCGPTB's (just-in-case-chat-gpt-beatdowns). I've got two left that I'm thinking about auctioning off...

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