Disturbing the Peace

AO: Jailbreak

When: 2024-06-13

QIC: Mantooth

PAX (16): Baskins, Cockroach, Diego, Dream Boat, Herbie (Bryan Cere), Krystal, la-Z-boy, Mantooth, Napalm, Pinkman, Schneider, Spit Valve, Todd Doherty l F3 UMass, Other, Gonzo, FNG - Tae Bo


Last week at Jailbreak, we had some guys make some wrong turns which caused some confusion and delays in COT. This week, we’re keeping it simple.


Announced the route.

The Thang:

Ran straight down Castleberry for an out and back. Run at your own pace.


Prayers for Krystal’s mom as she heads into surgery on Monday. And praise for Cockroach coming out of darkness and having brighter days ahead! Welcome FNG - Tae Bo!

Naked-Man Moleskin:

F3 is many things. But one thing F3 Cumming is, is a nuisance! Supporting a local business, during business hours  causes too much of a disturbance in the community. And I for one do not want to be associated with such Tom-foolery. So going forward, I will be rescinding my F3 Cumming membership.   I’m just kidding! Love all you guys! See you tomorrow! Bring the noise!

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