Corner to Corner

AO: Gladiator

When: 2024-06-13

QIC: RaspberryPi

PAX (16): blake1444, Butterknife, Chanel, Cheneral, Dark_Side, DREAMER, Judy, Macbeth, Mater, Scratch-Off, Snowbird, Speedo, Yokel, McNasty Huey


Quick disclaimer including mentioning ChatGPT did not write this


10x SSH 10x Copperhead Squats 10x Hillbillies 10x Arm Circles back n fourth Hangovers

The Thang:

4 Stations at each corner of the soccer field.   3RD - rep counts increasing - 15x RD1; 30x RD2; 50x RD3 PAX complete rep count for each corner exercise. Once completed then run to other corner and repeat until 3 rounds completed - finish up with 10 burpees in center circle   Stations: Set 1: Arms C1 - Bicep curls - coupons already in corner C2 - Tricep Dips C3 - Shoulder Taps C4 - Merkins   Set 2 - Core C1 - Freddie Mercuries C2 - American Hammer C3 - J-Lo's C4 - Gas Pumpers   Short for time for Set 3   10x Steps up 20x Bonnie Blairs   Back to the flag for bang on for 6am


Site Q hand off happening next Tuesday Hope Spandex back/rip recovers soon Prayers for job searching for PAX

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always a pleasure leading this group of men

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