Pre-BBQ (Reverse) Surf & Turf

AO: Bushwood

When: 2024-06-14

QIC: Harding

PAX (8): Animal, BallBoy, Credit Check, Flo, HIPAA, Popper, Tenderfoot


With a BBQ hosted by @Ballboy later in the day, and the opportunity to Q at the Land & Sea Seasonal Bushwood AO, I dug into the Exicon and some creativity to come up with a pin on a Surf and Turf BD... looking back the exercises, it ended up being more of a "reverse" surf and turf? you be the judge!


Arm stuff while also doing good mornings (Down on 1-2, up on 3-4... sort of) - arm circles, reverse arm circles, OH claps, and standing Michael Phelps... Copperhead squats, Starbursts, Imperial walkers... Mosey to the Tennis court for the first part of the Thang...  

The Thang:

Turf Routine #1: Land Surfers (not in Exicon, so IDK if it has a name..?) PAX circle up. Following the 1+4, 2+8, 3+12... format, but in reverse order (4+1, 8+2...). On our stomach, start with superman position, alternate moving R/L hands up/down as if paddling on a surfboard, alpha-count 4x, then do a 1x Pop-Up to a low squat to one side (as if standing on a surfboard). Back down to start, next PAX calls out 8+2, next PAX 12+3... we got up to 28/7, Q called it for time. (it was good to have some GA Tech graduates to help us keep count...!) Turf Routine #2: Deep Sea Divers  (Merkin + Hip Slaps AC) On steps of the tennis court grandstand. Start at high plank position, with feet on the ground, but right against the first step.

ground: x2 ea, then back/up to feet on 1st step: x4 ea feet on 2nd step: x6 ea, then fwd/down to feet on 1st step: x4 ea feet on ground: x2 ea

Mosey to area in front of pool gate... Turf Routine #3: Sea Creatures... Finding something to hold on to (in case needed) perform 5x Shrimp Squats each leg.. Then IC PAX perform Starfish Crunches x8. There was more on the Q plan, but it was time for the pool...! Surf Routine: "Reverse Dora(ish)" PAX pair-up: Land PAX = Timer | Sea PAX = AMRAP PAX switch once per set. Set 1: 10x 4-tap Merkins  |  Bobby Hurleys Set 2: 20x Sumo Squats  |  Freestyle Wall kicking Set 3: 30x BBS  |  Backstroke Wall Kicking All PAX take one pool lap to recover... then repeat all sets one more time. Mary:  Due to time, stuck to classic: all PAX move to the deep side of the pool, treading water while passing and catching a pretty bouncy small football... if anyone drops we all drop to the bottom of the pool and back.  


- @Ballboy hosting BBQ at his house as a thanks for all the pax that helped fill out the Meathouse/Bridge Q Sheet until end of September. - Father's day this weekend - check slack for a few activities in the region - Safe travels for HIPAA and Animal (and any other) families traveling this summer. - Prayers and support for PAX looking for assistance to find the next work opportunity. - Prayers and Praises for the health of our PAX and their loved ones. - All of the prayers and praises unsaid, hear them all.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always an honor to lead and fun to try something different with a supporting group. Lessons in leadership, and personal development in general, come a lot of times from trying something  outside of our comfort zone... I am always thankful for this community to help foster and grow those skills within all the PAX.

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