Field of Dreams at the Stone

AO: Grindstone

When: 2024-06-17

QIC: Swiper

PAX (7): Hail Mary, jugdish, Omaha, Relient, Spit Valve, Swiper, Vanna


Following a great Sunday with the US Open and Fathers Day and many PAX looking forward to catching the Braves Game, why not start things off right for the week!  We also had a birthday Q for our newly resurgent brother 5-Way over at Blackwater, so let’s get after it!


Mosey to the big parking lot for Mary: Willie Mays Haze Good Morning Imperial Walker SSH  

The Thang:

Start things off with a burpee lamp post challenge: work around the entire parking lot stopping at each light post and adding a burpee each time 1 - 10. next, Partner up and grab a coupon for a mini Dora: 75 Curls 100 OHP 125 Skull Crushers Partner B runs to concession building and does 10 wall taps and backpedal back Next we’re heading to the field of dreams.  Traverse the outfield alternating 20 Bear Crawls and 20 Lunge Walks with 10 mercans every time you rotate exercises Round 2, substitute with 20 duck walks and 5 inchworms with 10 squats at every switch an ascending outfield sprint and a stop by the donkey wall for some kicks (10) and we’re heading back to the flag for Mary Reverse LBCs Freddie’s


Prayers for YHC traveling to Portugal until the 28th Prayers for all of the ongoing activities surrounding the F3 Cumming Out Party on 7/13 at Big Creek and the official Region Launch Great 2nd F celebration at Truist Park last night!

Naked-Man Moleskin:

YHC is a Rory fan.  For non golf fans, the story unfolded on Sunday where he had the lead and missed 2 putts coming in that cost him the tournament.  He was understandably upset but declined to congratulate Bryson the winner and declined to be interviewed.  It is often hard to do the right thing when you’re experiencing personal grief, but as HIMs, it is what we are called to do.  Stand in there and be yourself in good times and bad as we all know we will experience both and our reaction can make a big difference to those who look up to us.  Aye!

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