Iron Sharpens Iron

AO: Firehouse

When: 2024-06-18

QIC: Better Call Saul

PAX (10): Baskins, Better Call Saul, Boots, Diego, Dunshire, LifeLock VPN, Lightweight, Longshanks, Mantooth, Seaman


I almost fartsacked for the first time ever as I got in late from the Braves game and didn't set my alarm.  Luckily my M was working today and she was up at 5:00 and I made it.


Mosey to the field.  Did SSH, Imperial Walkers, Willie Mays Hays, Michael Phelps.

The Thang:

Run a lap around the ballfield.  Then 12 reps of exercise at one goal line, run to the other goal line, do 12 more and run back.  Rinse and repeat.  Did some active recovery laps in the there as well.  Exercises included Merkins, Squats, Sit-ups, Shoulder Taps, Rosalitas, Flutter Kicks, American Hammers, Freddie Mercurys, and another that I cannot recall at the moment. Ended with a sprint to midfield and back. Soundtrack by Rush.


2nd F tonight at Costco (yes you read that right - inflation affects everybody) Prayers

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Loved having Baskins and Mantooth join us this morning as well as Longshanks.   Glad to meet Boots as well. It was a great turnout. I was reminded how the simple act of getting up, getting out in the gloom (even when you did not get enough sleep and don't feel like it) and accelerating with your F3 brothers is going to make you better as Iron Sharpens Iron.  Our brother UMass has said it before that he has often not felt like going to a beatdown but has never regretted being there afterwards.

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