Better Late Than Fartsacking

AO: Firehouse

When: 2024-06-20

QIC: Dunshire

PAX (3): Better Call Saul, Dunshire, Seaman


I showed up 10 minutes early and the parking lot was empty.  I was scared and lonely, fortunately, Better Call Saul showed up in the nick of time, and I felt less sad.


We mozyed (spelling?) around the parking lot and did the following: -15 Side Straddle/Strattle (I can never remember the proper spelling) Hops -15 Imperial Walkers -10 Weed Pickers -Sun Gods OYO -Michael Phelps OYO

The Thang:

We were going to DORA, but only two of us were there to start the BD, so we did some reps, ran half the field, rinsed, and repeated.  We did the following: -25 Merkins -50 Curls for the Gurls -75 Squats -50 Skull Crushers -50 Big Boys -50 Flutter Kicks -After that we Rucked for 15 minutes around the parking lot -We ended in a round of Merry for the last 5 minutes -Electric Bikes -10 Shoulder Taps -10 Fire Hydrants alpha count -Wall Sit


We prayed for health for several relatives (leaving vague for confidentiality reasons)

Naked-Man Moleskin:

T-CLAPS for Seaman for showing up even though he was late.  It would have been easy for him to Fartsack, but he showed up and I felt even less lonely and sad.

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