Plan B

AO: The Hooch

When: 2024-06-24

QIC: Birdie

PAX (11): Angus, Animal, BallBoy, Birdie, Boomer, Cousin Eddie (Alejandro Ferrer), HIPAA, Meatball, Pele, Scrooge, Zima


YHC has a plan for one thing, but in the morning, mother nature has different idea. There were plenty of thunder & lightning and then the downpour. So, grabbed a weinke from previous BD and we gathered in the covering near Nara.


After quick disclaimer & a reminder about the 5 core principles, we started with Wind Mills, Weed Picker, SSH, Copper Head Squat & Imperial Walker.

The Thang:

Here's the exercises:
  1. Burpees - 5
  2. LBC - 10
  3.  Carolina Dry Dock 15
  4.  Bonnie Blair  (AC)- 20
  5.  American Hammer (AC) - 25
  6.  Plank - 30 seconds
  7.  Smurf Jack - 35
  8.  Flutter Kick - 40
  9.  Mountain Climber - 45
  10.  Copper Head Squat - 50
Round 1: do all 10 exercises & 50 SSH instead of mosey. Round 2: drop the last exercise and each round drop the last exercise from the previous round.  Since the storm passed after 3rd or 4th rounds, YHC changed SSH to mosey. When 1-2 PAX was completed the whole thing, YHC called for time and moseyed to the middle of parking lot for Fox Hole (BBS & Mercan combo) - 10 reps Mary: Gas Pumper.


Prayer for Angus' dad full recovery from surgery. Prayer for Animal's son, Andrew that dealing with depression. Prayer for wisdom,  guidance & encouragement for Scrooge & M,  nurturing their 2.0's. F3 Cumming coming out party Saturday July 13 @ Big Creek AO in Fowler Park.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

It was an honor to lead this morning. Until next time SYITG.

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