Shaggy BigMac

AO: The Bound

When: 2024-06-26

QIC: Scampi

PAX (18): Ansel Adams, Avis, Birdie, Cookie, Ha-ha, Nacho Libre, Red Ryder (the one that posts), Rudy, Scampi, Tsunami, Shaggy, Big Mac, Badger, Square Root, Breaker, Machine Gun Mike, Golden Corral, Hot shot


It’s easy to wake up when you know you are the Q. Extra accountability is always welcomed. We got the back warmed up on a slow 3.7 mile pre run for 37 years. We went over the core principles and off we went.


2 laps around the parking lot and up the stairs to the raised bed gardens for a warmup: 15 SSH 15 Weedpickers 15 imperial walkers 10 Merkins called by Nacho

The Thang:

We moseyed over the parking lot across from the bound and completed 4 corners:

corner 1 – 10 pushups

corner 2  – 10 pushups, 20 situps

corner 3  – 10 pushups, 20 situps, 30 lunges

corner 4  – 10 pushups, 20 situps, 30 lunges, 40 squats

corner 3  – 30 lunges, 20 situps, 10 pushups

corner 2 – 20 situps, 10 pushups

corner 1 – 10 pushups

we finished with 37 Mike Tyson’s and burpees if you got to it. we moseyed back to campus for a few rounds of up downs then 11’s pushups at the bottom jump squats at the basketball court we got about halfway and called it.


Prayers for tsunami’s neighbor with a DUI in the neighborhood, PM for bike accident/shoulder, 4 men heading into transition and the residents in general.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Grateful for another year. “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭4‬:‭16‬ ‭NIV‬‬

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