Taking it to the EDGE

AO: Jailbreak

When: 2024-06-27

QIC: Snake

PAX (11): Dream Boat, Herbie (Bryan Cere), Krystal, Mantooth, Napalm, Relient, Schneider, Snake, Tae-Bo, Gonzo, Nutty


Crabcake planned an epic route that promised to push us to the EDGE of puking with some hill repeats at the Landing Strip. Unfortunately, after posting the route and hyping us up, Crabcake failed to show.


Gathered at the AO. Waited for Q to show up. At 5:30, we took off on the posted route.

The Thang:

Ran to City Center. Did 3 hill repeats while Mantooth explained edging to the uninitiated. We definitely pushed right up to the edge increasing the pace for each hill repeat. No one actually spewed - I think we did it right?!


Prayers for Tae-Bo with return to work and decision on upcoming worker’s comp settlement.

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