As YHC pulled into the Town Center parking lot, HIPAA and Flo were loitering around a Jeep and Flo asked, who's Q today? I responded that it was yours truly to which he followed up, "Is it going to be a hard one?" "Um, medium maybe" I answered....
Got loose with some:
Imperial Walkers
Copperhead Squats
Arm Circles
The Thang:
With pack and coupons in tow, we walked toward the bridge while YHC called 'high', 'medium', or 'low' to indicate where the coupons should be held during the stroll. Upon arrival at the bridge stairs, the speaker was set up and the gauntlet thrown down.
PAX would perform the list of exercises, then mosey up the stairs and perform 10 Alpha Shoulder Taps at the top...then return to the bottom. Each subsequent round an exercise would be dropped from the end of the list. That's all, pretty simple.
5 Mercans
10 Curl Press
15 Skull Crushers
20 Kettlebell Swings
25 Squats
30 Coupon Toe Taps (alpha)
35 Curls
40 Mountain Climbers
Along the way, we decided maybe overall it was a little more than a medium difficulty... call it "medium plus". So at least now we know. At 10 minutes past 6am, all PAX made a final ascent and descent and made our way back to the flag (area) for COT.
Prayers for Flo's mom's cancer and helping her do the things she wants to do with the time she has left. Prayers for Hackeysack's mom's cancer diagnosis and getting more detailed answers and a plan in place. Prayers for BallBoy's M's health and sanity as we deal with difficult doctor interactions and scheduling.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Thanks for letting me lead today. Love how everyone pushed hard through a tough one and how that parallels what we have to push through in our lives. May our physical strength made us mentally stronger as well.