Dragnet Deck of Marvel

AO: Windjammer

When: 07/03/2024

QIC: FannyPack

PAX (03): FannyPack, Sparkie, Townie


Holiday week means a light crew this AM.  Great to see Townie and Sparkie in the gloom.


Mosey to the big flag with a view for SSH, weedpickers, windmills, arm circles fwd & back, and some extra stretching with hangovers.

The Thang:

Mosey down to the lower lot by the track, where we did a round of Jack Webb.  1:4 ratio of Merkins and Air Presses while incrementing to 2:8, … 4:40.

Next I thoroughly shuffled the F3 Deck of Death and we took turns drawing 4 cards.  Whomever draws gets to pick the order and add any needed details.  The first draw was Sparkie and I think he cheated to get extra mercans in- we had 12 hand release mercans, 18 mercans, and 15 diamond mercans right away.   We made it through several rounds with the deck when we headed back to the flag via the big hill.

Back a the flag we had several minutes left to start our final routine- Captain Thor.  1:4 ratio of Big Boys and American Hammers while incrementing to 2:8, … 4:40.   Made it through 7:28 at time.


Prayers for the family and the community impacted by the tragic losses from the recent plane crash.  Prayers for Townie’s friend and his coworker, each impacted by a death of a loved one and each faced with difficult end of life choices.


Naked-Man Moleskin:

Small turnouts are a great way to get to know other PAX better.  We all like to see big numbers but it’s the 2-4 BD’s when you get a chance to connect.  Thanks for the push this morning.  Always a pleasure to lead.

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