Air You Could Swim Through

AO: Bushwood

When: 2024-07-05

QIC: BallBoy

PAX (3): BallBoy, Popper (Dan Richard), Turk


Holy humidity, Batman! Seriously, we didn't need to swim to be wet and the pool was about the same temperature as the air, but they say sweating rids the body of toxins so we probably left a lot of those in the pool today...


We were warm as soon as we stepped out of the cars but did these anyways: Weed Pickers Willy Mayes Hayes Squats Mountain Climbers

The Thang:

Moseyed toward the big hill and picked two light poles. After stopping at the further one and moseying back to the nearer, we Bernie Sanders(ed?) back to the upper pole, and moseyed back down to the lower. This pattern was repeated once more before returning to the parking lot. YHC prepped the trio for a set of Four Corners. PAX were instructed to perform 5, 10, 15, and 20 reps of the given exercise at subsequent corners, bringing them back to the start where the next exercise would be introduced. Exercises were:
  • Dips
  • Squats
  • Box Cutters
  • Mercans
We were already soaked so it was time to rinse off in the pool (i.e. add to all the 4th of July sweat that was already in there). Turk took his time but eventually we all were waterborne and warmed up with a couple of down-and-backs, alternating strokes. YHC called for a round of Sevens, with Copperhead Squats on one end and Burpees on the other. Once completed, we had a bit more time but not enough PAX for the planned Indian Swim so an audible was called and our trifecta set up for a Grinder from one end of the pool to the other. One side did AMRAP LBCs and the other did Flutter Kicks while the third PAX swam the length and swapped after reaching the wall. A few rounds of this and time was called


Travel mercies for Feathers, praise for God's provision on the Popper family, prayers for those laid off at Turk's company (and praise his job is safe)

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Glad to step in and Q for the annual Craft AO!  Thanks especially to Popper and somewhat to Flo for keeping this tradition alive! :)

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