Sweat to the Music

AO: The Hooch

When: 2024-07-08

QIC: BallBoy

PAX (20): Angus, BallBoy, Birdie, Boomer, Cousin Eddie (Alejandro Ferrer), Feathers, HIPAA, Ma Bell (Cumming), Maguire, McCracken, Meatball, Pele, Popper (Dan Richard), Potter (Matt Rowand), Spackle, Splinter, Sunshine, Turk, Zazu, Jarvis (2.0)


Music was promised but I never said it was for entertainment purposes. A little change of pace, although not exactly easier than the Hooch standard :)


Weedpickers Windmills Hillbillies Copperhead Squats We moseyed around the parking lot and enjoyed slides both ways, a little Bernie, some high knees and buttkickers

The Thang:

We arrived at the Bakery (aka Lunge) Lot and circled up for a round of Motivators to get the calves really warm. A good time was had by all and we moseyed on... Next stop was the grassy church field by the 'Four Corners' lot where YHC instructed the PAX to find some soft ground.  We assumed the plank position as the 'Bring Sally Up - Workout Mix" played.  High Plank on "Sally Up", Low Plank on "Sally Down". Next a mosey down the parking lot for a bit and a quick broad jump across to the church breezeway.  There we got on our 'six's for the next tune in the jukebox, 'Thunderstruck'. All PAX would repeat American Hammers until "Thunder" was heard and would then do a Big Boy Sit-up.  About 3 minutes in YHC called an audible and switched Am-Hams to Air Presses and a sigh went up from the PAX. From there, a mosey to the Chapel Lot where we Lunge Walked about half of it to put us in position for some 'Tubthumping'.  Chumbawumba made an appearance and the Q called for a Burpee on each 'I get knocked down'.  Incidentally this added up to roughly 29 burpees, for future reference. Now fully drenched in sweat, we moseyed back to the Lunge Lot and circled up again for one last relaxing tune.  PAX started in the plank position again as 'Bodies' by Drowning Pool was queued up.  Instructions were to perform Mercans on each count of 1, 2, 3, 4 and a Donkey Kick on every 'let the bodies hit the floor'. Finally a mosey back to the flag and a couple of Mary exercises and time was up.


F3 Cumming Emancipation Party (Cumming out party) this Saturday at Fowler Park Prayers for some PAX family members' health.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Enjoyed leading this beatdown that I've been pondering for a while now.  Thanks for following along and if anyone felt emotionally scarred by the 'Bodies' song, remember help is available by dialing 988 on your phone.

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