Another one bites the dust

AO: School Of Rock

When: 2024-07-17

QIC: Dipstick

PAX (4): Deep dish, False Start, Irene


Well, after a disappointing turnout (someone fartsacked) We decided to get moving. We took two steps back away from our cars, and started the warmup.


SSH, weed pickers, imperial walkers, willy mays Hayes, arm circles, michael Phelps, and a few merkins

The Thang:

Stole this ol Thang from Atlas:
  • Round 1: 1 cinder swing --> 1 overhead press, 2 cinder swings --> 2 overhead presses; All the way up to 10, then back down (9 reps for both swings and presses, then 8, etc.).
  • Cusack to the light pole and back
  • Round 2: 1 squat --> 1 bent over rows, 2 squats --> 2 bent over rows; Up to 10, then halt.
  • Cusack to the light pole and back
  • Round 3: 1 diamond merkins --> 1 lunge (double count), 2 diamond merkins --> 2 lunges (double count); Up to 10
  • Cusack to the light pole and back
  • Round 4: 1 dolly w/cinder --> 1 LBC w/cinder, 2 dolly's w/cinder --> 2 LBCs w/cinders; Up to 10
  • Cusack to the light pole and back
  • Round 5: 1 V-Ups --> 1 chest press, 2 V-Ups --> 2 chest presses; Up to 10
YHC mixed up the rounds but otherwise followed the above. Also had to mix things up when YHC set my cinder down after a good cusack and it shattered. Another one bit the dust. I used half of one on the way down and traded with a fellow pax on the way back from the light post. I'll be updating my review on


Prayers for Irene's friend's family... bizarre to hear that someone our age can just pass in their sleep unexpectedly. Really makes one think about what's important in life (probably not whatever you're working on [or should be working on] right now).

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around every once in a while, you could miss it.

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