Welp, I think we woke up Sprocket’s neighbors

AO: Badapple

When: 2024-07-22

QIC: Rusty

PAX (9): Buckshot, Chalupa, Chubbs, goat, Ponyboy, Spider, Sweep3r, The_OG Zima


Sprocket said he wasn't going to show up this morning.  I had thought about leading the PAX over to his house to make sure he just wasn't bluffing.  I told everyone to bring coupons, kettlebells preferred and I'd have extras.


Michael Phelps and Arm Circles to stretch out the upper body. Windmill x 10 Imperial Walker x 10 Mountain Climber x 15 Plank Jacks x 10 Toy Soldier x 10

The Thang:

Grab your coupon and let's head to the gazebo by the playground.  When we get there, we hammer through the following: 2 sets - 20 reps per set - all w/the coupon
  • Bicep Curls - 10 on each arm or 20 using both arms at once
  • Squats
  • Reverse Bicep Curls - 10 on each arm or 20 using both arms at once
  • Step-Ups - 10 total
  • Bow Ties
Leave the gazebo, past the school and to the sidewalk on Etris.  At the entrance by the baseball fields and school, everyone partners up (one group of 3).  The first group runs from that point, to the round-about/drop-off where we used to plant the flag and back.  The entire run, you need to keep your hands up (palms facing forward).  The PAX does 40 chest presses/20 skull crushers until the runners get back, then the next group goes.  Keep doing the exercise when you're at the starting point. From there, we headed to the bathroom by the baseball diamonds.  We had another list of exercises there: 2 sets - 20 reps per set - all w/the coupon
  • Swings - 10 on each arm or 20 with both arms at once
  • American Hammers (alpha)
  • Halo's
  • V-Ups
  • V-Chops
  • Window Washers (beta)
Carry the coupon across the fields and back to the flag.  There we finished up with a round of crunch frogs and overhead press.  And time!


Thankful for the contribution of Chalupa for the NLB breakfast and everyone else's help/participation.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

I'll be out on Wednesday traveling for work.  My out of office notification will not be on.  I've let Spider know.

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