Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

AO: The Hooch

When: 2024-07-22

QIC: Feathers

PAX (15): BallBoy, Boomer, Flo, HIPAA, Maguire, McCracken, Popper (Dan Richard), Short Round, Spackle, Stroller, Y2K, Zazu, Zima, Dim Sum


YHC was Crowdstruck, and an (almost) Planes, (almost) Trains, and (Lots of) Automobiles journey ensued.  Hence the theme.


Mosey with enhancements and standard fair warmup exercises.

The Thang:

Simple setup of a speaker and three cones in a straight line, first two at 25 yard interval, and a third an additional 15 yards out. Planes B-52s: Perform 26 reps of an exercise, Bear Crawl 25 yards, bernie back to the speaker, perform next exercise.  R&R until completing two full rounds, for 52 total reps of each exercise:
  • Big Boys
  • Bonnie Blairs
  • Bobby Hurleys
  • Bulgarian Ball Busters
Trains Pain Train: Mosey around the big parking lot loop and back to the speaker, stopping 10 times along the way to perform 5 burpees each time. Automobiles RACERS: perform 25 reps of an exercise, then line up for a 40 yard drag race with a fellow PAX.  return to speaker for next exercise.  R&R until complete.  Finish up by doing the exercises again without sprints until time is called.
  • Reverse Crunches
  • Alternating Shoulder Taps (single count)
  • Crab Cakes (Alpha)
  • E2K (Alpha)
  • Ranger Mercans
  • Scissors (alpha)


Praises for the Sophia Stroll fundraiser outcome - $10K raised for Camp Kudzu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Just what was needed after a 1200 mile drive along the AT.

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