Cinders, Hills and Burpees..oh my!

AO: The Wreck

When: 2024-07-26

QIC: Darkside

PAX (17): Bear, Chanel, Dangle, Darkside, defcon2, Gutterball, Juul, Matt Shields-Norm, Missionary, Mountain Mama, Password 123, Paul Magnuson (calamari), Raider, rip, Rooney- timlonergan, The Fifth, Paci


First time grabbing a Q slot at an AO that YHC was not very familiar with. I did remember they had a giant hill, so I knew we had to use it. YHC called for cinders and gloves via slack the night before.


Mosey to the light and back alternating buttkickers and high knees.
  • Imperial Walkers IC x 15
  • Windmill IC x 10
  • Copperhead Squat IC x 10
  • Motivators - 5 rep counting down to 0
Grab your cinder and head to the hill!

The Thang:

Arrived at the Hill where the BOP was already set and light up. Quick explanation and off we go! Creedence Clearwater Revival was the tunes for the gloom today. Do 25 reps of each exercise and run up the hill for 3 burpees. Rinse and repeat.
  • 75 curls
  • 75 squats with cinder
  • 75 chest press
  • 75 American hammers
  • 75 merkins
  • 75 shoulder press
  • 75 Bonnie Blair
  • 15 Blockees
Time was running short so YHC called for no more hill runs, and for PAX to do 3 blockees. Grab your cinders and back to the flag.   We finished with a short round of "Failure To Launch" and time was called.  


No announcements or prayer requests

Naked-Man Moleskin:

That was fun! Thank you for letting me guest at the legendary Wreck! Hope to see you all again soon!

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