Yacht Rock and Cinders

AO: The Wreck

When: 2024-08-02

QIC: Gutterball

PAX (17): Blue, Bobber, Juul, Missionary, Moonshine, Password 123, rip, Sell-out, Sleeper, The Fifth, Forehead, Booshwood, Graceland, paci, blade runner, fourfiddy


Focus on upper and lower body with some running along the way.


Short jog through the park to get the blood flowing then some planks on cinders along with some stretches.

The Thang:

Partnered up and did farmer carries to the parking lot by the fields while one partner did slow squats Did a series of upper body movements with the cinders along with inch worms while partners ran to parking lot and did lower body exercises on the other end. Things like donkey kicks, wall sits, planks, abs


Focus on physical and mental health and asking for a safe return to school for our kids and loved ones

Naked-Man Moleskin:

One new FNG forehead!

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