Lucky 7s

AO: The Hooch

When: 2024-08-05

QIC: Zohan

PAX (21): Angus, BallBoy, Boomer, Chesapeake, Dinghy, Feathers, Flo, Half-Dozen, Maguire, Meatball, Pigtails, Popper (Dan Richard), Potter (Matt Rowand), Scrooge, Short Round, Spackle, Splinter, Turk, Y2K, Zazu, Zohan


Today is YHC 7 years manniversary in F3. I planned a 7-themed workout. Was supposed to include Walls of Jericho around Waffle house, but I realized it would be... awkward at best since they are open. They just might object to 20 some people kicking at the walls and running around the clients. So... modified.


Disclaimer given. Mosey and Bernie in the parking lot. Circle up for Weed Pickers, Imperial Walkers, Copper Head Squats, Arm circles and SSH.

The Thang:

Moseyed to the rear parking lot. YHC explained we'll be doing 7 of Diamonds and pointed to the 4 bases. Each round has one exercises, repeated in all 4 bases. We waited for the 6 after the 4th round and then completed the rest.
  • 7 Hand Release burpees
  • 14 Gas Pumpers
  • 21 Plank Jacks
  • 28 Squats
  • 21 Freddie Mercuries
  • 14 Merkins
  • 7 Groiners
The gazelles did some Mary for the 6 after the 4th round and after the 7th. For recovery we Lunged a few steps to the pavilion  for the next segment - Walls of Jericho. The format is 7 exercises, 7 reps each, followed by a run. Rinse a and repeat for 7 rounds.
  • Donkey Kicks
  • Chicken Peckers
  • Dwight Howard (jump and slap the wall)
  • E2K, right side
  • LBCs
  • E2K, left side
  • Monkey Humpers
After the 3rd round called an audible to shorten the run. Still, we run out of time and moseyed back to the flag.


Pigtails was the 6 and shared his origin story with us. Prayers for peace in the middle east. Kids going back to school.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Last night my wife and I were talking about how we would celebrate if we had lots of money (we attended a birthday party of someone who made... quite an event) and she commented how my dreams have changed and the answered I gave would not have been the same 10 years ago. Or 7 years and a day, really. I changed a lot with F3, not just physically but in confidence. The thanks are to all the men that surround me and inspire me. It's to you.

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