Jude’s Birthday Bash

AO: Gladiator

When: 2024-08-06

QIC: Manchester

PAX (26): blake1444, Bo Knows, Butterknife, Chanel, Cheneral, Darkside, defcon2, DREAMER, Dutch Oven, Hitchcock, Judy, Macbeth, Manchester, Mater, RaspberryPi, Scratch-Off, Shrinkage, Spandex, Speedo, Strong Arm, Tar Heel, brownie, MASH, FloridaMan & Borat (mawiaaafe)


Big crowd for Jude's birthday bash this morning, I couldn't decide if the Gladiator had grown in popularity, rumors of me fartsacking had intrigued some to show, the PAX were all excited to celebrate Jude or its a PAX full of dude's wanting to make each other better. We'll land on the last one.


I don't typically do warm-ups when I Q, but when I do... I outsource them. A quick mosey, some outsourced warmups and we were off to the Hill.

The Thang:

We start off with, yes, you guessed it - 7 Hill climbs of varying difficulties. A Mosey to the pitch and I was back in my comfort zone, temporarily at least. A board of pain, some house music at Spandex's request and some Dora was quickly going to pull us out of the comfort zone and make us better. In honor of Jude turning 7, our Dora was packed with exercises adding up to 777 reps. Here's the breakdown:
  • 107 Big Boys
  • 107 Merkins
  • 107 Plank Jacks
  • 107 Romanian Deadlifts
  • 107 Jump Squats
  • 107 Fire Hydrants
  • 107 Flutter Kicks
  • 28 Burpees (yeah, we had big plans)
The Run: For the running part of the Dora, we mixed it up:
  • Jog to the other side of the pitch and back
  • Hop to the other side of the pitch and back
  • Jog backwards to the other side of the pitch and back
We gave it our all but through lack of effort, ability or good planning - we missed the 777 number. I believe most finished the DORA and missed on the joys of the burpees... I tell Jude we did 700 of something and I still think he'll be impressed. Much easier to plan Q's around kid's birthday's than your own, as Raspberry Pi pointed out. My number is getting higher!


unspoken prayer requests today, remember to lift each other up, push each other to be better and ask for help when you need it.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Thank you for pushing me to push you this morning.

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