Passing the time

AO: Galaxy

When: 2024-08-06

QIC: Fenway

PAX (9): Abacus (Mark Green), Cameron Cole, Fenway, Horny, Jillian, Jorts, Offshore, Ruth (Alex Peskin), Tweaker


The usual:
  • SSHs
  • Stretch out the hamstrings
  • Weedpickers
  • Warm up merkins
  • Hillbillies

The Thang:

Burpee Indian Run:
  • All PAX moseys around track in line
  • Last PAX does 5 burpees and then sprints to the front of the line
  • Repeat until all PAX have done burpees
  • 2nd round with bear crawl instead of mosey
Finish at pavillion. Pass the time:
  • Split into partners
  • PAX 1 does X reps of exercise, while PAX 2 "passes the time" with as many reps as he can of a different exercise
  • When PAX 1 completes his reps, the partners swap exercises
  • 4 rounds:
    • 100 derkins, pass the time with dips
    • 100 deep squats, pass the time with step ups
    • 100 leg lifts, pass the time with Freddy Mercuries
    • 50 hand release merkins, pass the time with plank


Prayers for Offshore and Crowdstrike and their families as they mourn the loss of family members.

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