We got the Juice…B-DAY Beatdown

AO: Norseman

When: 2024-08-06

QIC: Knight Rider

PAX (17): Cam's, Crikey, DeLorean, DirtyMO, Fresh Prince, Ha-ha, Matlock, Oshkosh, Pepper, Slick, Stu, Tin Foil, TO, TP, Tumbleweed, Untouchable


YHC Arrived early at the AO to set up cones, lighting, cinders/sandbags, tunes, and printed instructions on Turf Field 2. This would be a B-DAY BD to help celebrate YHC’s 47th trip around the sun. All was dark and quiet in the Gloom until one pre-runner pulled about around the 4:45 AM hour. The PRE-BLAST hopefully got the PAX interested in a Juice Box (unfortunately, it was just a song on the playlist) and at 0530 – 17 PAX had posted / were ready to go. Time was called with a quick intro + disclaimer, no FNGs, then we moseyed over to Turf Field 2 via the second half of the upcoming “merkin run” as a preview.


Once on the field the PAX circled up in the center of the field for Warm-O-Rama. YHC led the PAX in-cadence through:  (random-rep-count) SSH’s – 14 Weed Pickers – 10 Hillbillies – 12 Merkins – 5 Willie Mays Hayes - OYO Arm/Shoulder Circles – OYO Michael Phelps - OYO

The Thang:

THANG #1: Overall workout flow / instructions, exercise demonstrations, and safety guidance was given by YHC. PAX were split up into 3 groups, the music was started, and we were off. The goal was to complete at least 1 rotation EACH through the CINDER station and SANDBAG station with “MERKIN RUNS” in between each station.  TOTAL GOAL =  2 x “MERKIN RUNS” , 1 x CINDER station, and 1 x SANDBAG station in the time allotted. CINDER and SANDBAG stations ran the width of the football field. MERKIN RUN  = run up the stairs to the cones set to one side, perform 60 SSH and 10 merkins, run across the run, up through the parking lot to the flag location, perform 10 merkins at the flag, then run back to Turf Field 2 via the main road (approx. .2 miles roundtrip) CINDER STATION: START WITH 10 x THRUSTERS with CINDER ---------------------------------------- then OVERHEAD CARRY cinder to the middle of the field  **STOP AND PERFORM** 20 x INCLINE MERKINS on the cinder then OVERHEAD CARRY cinder to the far sideline ----------------------------------------- At the far sideline perform 20 x JUMP SQUATS without cinder then OVERHEAD CARRY cinder back to the middle of the field ----------------------------------------- **STOP AND PERFORM** 20 x INCLINE MERKINS on the cinder then OVERHEAD CARRY cinder back to the original sideline / staring line ----------------------------------------- PERFORM 1 MERKIN RUN ---------------------------------------- SANDBAG STATION: START WITH 10 x INCLINE MERKINS on the sandbag ---------------------------------------- then SHOULDER CARRY the sandbag to the middle of the field ------------------------------------------  **STOP AND PERFORM** 20 x BENT OVER ROWNS with sandbag then CARRY sandbag to the to the far sideline ----------------------------------------- At the far sideline perform 20 x LOADED SQUATS with sandbag ----------------------------------------- then OVERHEAD CARRY cinder back to the middle of the field ----------------------------------------- **STOP AND PERFORM** 20 x BENT OVER ROWNS with sandbag then CARRY sandbag back to the original sideline / staring line ----------------------------------------- PERFORM 1 MERKIN RUN ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- TIME WAS CALLED FOR THANG #1 AND  THE PAX SPENT A FEW MINUTES TO HELP CARRY COUPONS TO THE  FIELD ENTRANCE / PARKING LOT TO MAKE IT EASIER ON YHC FOR  LATER CLEAN UP…MUCH APPRECIATED.   THE PAX THEN RAN TO THE NORTH END ZONE AND PLANKED AWAITING THANG #2. ------------------------------------------- THANG #2: 1ST AND 20:   PAX LINED UP AT THE NORTH GOAL LINE FOR A MODIFIED VERSION OF 1ST AND 10, CALLED 1ST AND 20.   CONES MARKED AT EVERY 10 YARDS ALL THE WAY THE FAR GOAL LINE. DUE TO TIME,  PAX STARTED ON THE 20 YARD LINE…..INSTRUCTIONS GIVE, MUSIC STARTED AND THE PAX WERE OFF. @ CONE 1 (20 YARD LINE) ----------------------------------------- PERFORM:  20 BBSUs AND 1 BURPEE ---------------------------------------- THEN RUN TO FAR GOAL LINE AND RECOVERY JOG BACK TO CONE 2 ------------------------------------------- @ CONE 2 (30 YARD LINE) ----------------------------------------- PERFORM:  19 BBSUs AND 2 BURPEEs ---------------------------------------- THEN RUN TO FAR GOAL LINE AND RECOVERY JOG BACK TO CONE 3 ------------------------------------------- @ CONE 3 (40 YARD LINE) ----------------------------------------- PERFORM:  18 BBSUs AND 3 BURPEEs ---------------------------------------- THEN RUN TO FAR GOAL LINE AND RECOVERY JOG BACK TO CONE 4 ------------------------------------------- @ CONE 4 (50 YARD LINE) ----------------------------------------- PERFORM:  17 BBSUs AND 4 BURPEEs ---------------------------------------- THEN BEAR CRAWL TO FAR GOAL LINE AND RECOVERY JOG BACK TO CONE 5 ------------------------------------------- @ CONE 5 (FAR 40 YARD LINE) ----------------------------------------- PERFORM:  16 BBSUs AND 5 BURPEEs ---------------------------------------- THEN BEAR CRAWL TO FAR GOAL LINE AND RECOVERY JOG BACK TO CONE 6 ------------------------------------------- @ CONE 6 (FAR 30 YARD LINE) ----------------------------------------- PERFORM:  15 BBSUs AND 6 BURPEEs ---------------------------------------- THEN BEAR CRAWL TO FAR GOAL LINE AND RECOVERY JOG BACK TO CONE 7 ------------------------------------------- @ CONE 7 (FAR 20 YARD LINE) ----------------------------------------- PERFORM:  14 BBSUs AND 7 BURPEEs ---------------------------------------- THEN BEAR CRAWL TO FAR GOAL LINE AND RECOVERY JOG BACK TO CONE 8 ------------------------------------------- @ CONE 8 (FAR 10 YARD LINE) ----------------------------------------- PERFORM:  13 BBSUs AND 8 BURPEEs ---------------------------------------- THEN BEAR CRAWL TO FAR GOAL LINE AND RECOVERY JOG BACK TO CONE 9 ------------------------------------------- @ CONE 9 (FAR GOAL LINE) ----------------------------------------- PERFORM:  12 BBSUs AND 9 BURPEEs ----------------------------------------  EXTRA CREDIT (FAR GOAL LINE) ----------------------------------------- PERFORM:  11 BBSUs AND 10 BURPEEs ---------------------------------------- The PAX all worked hard and most PAX made it to at least CONE 6-7 in the time allowed. Time on the field was called at 0613, PAX were instructed to recover, gather up in the SOUTH end zone, then head back to the flag. There was just enough time for some MARY and around 20 flutter kicks IC after we reached the Pavilion…time called at 0615, then RECOVER.


Announcements: Grab those last remaining slots on the Q sheet. (3 open for the rest of the year) See Oshkosh for interest in running / pushing for Speed for Need in an upcoming Sawnee 5K on SAT, AUG 24th. Big RESPECT B-DAY Q for Fresh Prince on Thursday…BE THERE. ------------------------ 6th Man: Oshkosh --------------------- Prayers: Thanks were given for the opportunity to come out in Fitness and Fellowship. Prayers for Untouchable’s family. Prayers for Oshkosh’s family and all those in the path of Hurricane Debby. Prayers to help us…. "Be the light in the dark. Be the calm in the storm and Be at peach while at war."   --- Michael Dolan  

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always an honor to lead and pretty much on my B-DAY (8/5). I appreciate all the B-DAY wishes and the great group of 16 other PAX that showed up in support. F3 continues to be a huge guardrail in my life. It keeps me on track and helps bring me back on track when I get off course. Being Site Q for The Norseman this year has been such a gift and has allowed me to look at F3, the PAX, and each BD is such a different way. Thank you all for your support and brotherhood in this journey we call F3.

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