Wait, What?

AO: Badapple

When: 2024-08-09

QIC: Rusty

PAX (9): AWOL, Buckshot, Chubbs, goat, PushBack, Spider, Sprocket, The_OG Zima


Peeled into the parking lot at 5:30am beat down by Thud.  Spider looked at me and said "No Thud, so you do have the Q today."  Outstanding.


Spider led the warm up: Touched our toes, Hillbillys, Mountain Climbers, something else I can't remember.  Okay, uh, Rusty's got the Q.  So we went on a mosey while I thought about what we would do.

The Thang:

Mosey'd to the Sweetapple bus turn around by the playground.  After a brief pause from a car that was parking near the air conditioners, where it wasn't supposed to be, PAX circled up.
  • 25 shoulder taps (beta)
  • 25 squats
  • 25 LBCs
Back on your feet.  We mosey'd across the street to the gazebo.  Partnered up!  Partner A crab walked around the island leading out to Etris, while Partner B did step-ups on the bench.  We then "flap jacked."  Again, we mosey'd.  Crossed over Etris at the Hardscrabble intersection and headed to the pull-up bars. 3 rounds:
  • 5 pull-ups
  • 7  burpees
  • 10 step-ups (beta)
  • 15 mercans
We mosey'd up the trail, down the hill and over to the playground.  Everyone grabbed a bench. 2 rounds:
  • 10 step-ups (beta)
  • 20 dips
We mosey'd back towards the bus turnaround, down the steps to the gazebo at the playground. 3 rounds:
  • 10 incline mercans
  • 10 decline mercans
  • 20 calf raises on the steps
We mosey'd back down the sidewalks to the top of Zima's hill, back to the flag.  In the last 5 minutes, we rinsed and repeated the following w/a coupon:
  • 10 overhead press
  • 15 swings
  • 20 V-ups


We miscounted, which was embarrassing (and a first).  Push-back awarded his son (AWOL) with a pin of recognition through his service.  Very cool.  Prayers for the Burn as his family gets ready to move. Afterwards, grabbed coffee at 101.  Thanks to push-back for buying the coffee!

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