Badapple Bonanza

AO: Badapple

When: 2024-08-12

QIC: Tank

PAX (12): Chalupa, Dosido, Dr. Nemo (Clayton Fulbright), Porkchop, PushBack, Shortcake, Special K, Sprocket, Sweep3r, The_OG Zima, AWOL


Got the call up to the big leagues when starting Q could not make it


Mosey SSH Toy Soldier Imperial walker Weed picker Windmill

The Thang:

Mosey with coupons to Zima’s Hill Run down hill 10 burpees Run up Hill 30 Freddy Mercury’s (alpha) 5 Rounds   Bring cinders back to lighted area 1 person runs a lap 1 carries 80lb sandbag down and back Cinder work back at the stations - rotate with sandbag and runner 15 reps of Thrusters 30 Chest press 15 Goblet squats 30 overhead press 100 flutters alpha 15 Man makers 30 KB swings 15 lunges 30 arm raise with cinder 100 LBC


Prayers for Thrasher and Special K neighbor and Goose and Spider

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