Arena 11’s

AO: Norseman

When: 2024-08-15

QIC: Chapter 11

PAX (17): Cam's, Chapter 11, DeLorean, DirtyMO, Fresh Prince, Ha-ha, Knight Rider, muTTon, Nacho Libre, Oshkosh, Pepper, Slick, Tin Foil, TMI, TO, TP, Tumbleweed


On Tuesday I HC’d to Knight Rider for a Pre-ruck, only to set my alarm accidentally for 5:40 instead of 4:40… missing the BD altogether. There was much mumblechatter and grief given for my unexcused absence (although mostly from everyone but Knight Rider).


Mosey around the parking lot for some standard Norsemen warmups:
  • SSHs
  • Weedpickers
  • Toy Soldiers
And then we were off! Mosey over to the arena with a short stop for 10 burpees to get the blood flowing.

The Thang:

Once at the arena, we were prepped for some Arena 11’s, consisting of Alpha Step ups at one end, and Derkins at the other end. At a few points throughout the BD I decided to mix it up a bit. All PAX were called to gather to the center for some Mary. We performed the exercises in cadence to 20, and then PAX were instructed to go back to where they were in their progression of 11s 1st time:
  1. Gas Pumpers (or crunchy frogs)
  2. Drying Cockroaches
2nd time:
  1. Freddie Mercuries
  2. Box Cutters
After the second time, PAX finished out the 11s although we might need to check on our counting and basic arithmetic because many PAX seemed to finish sooner than expected… With a little time left, we moseyed back to the big parking lot for a painful BD of Wheel of Merkins, as well as some Plank Compasses. Mosey back to the flag for 30 more seconds of flutter kicks to end at 6:15 on the nose.


Thanks to Delorean for being our 6th man this morning and sharing a bit about his journey, and for stepping up to lead our region in 3rd F activities! Oshkosh is moving toward starting up a 3rd F bible study, details TBD. Ha-Ha is recruiting for Dam to Dam relay (race in February) and Oshkosh needs 3 more runners for Speed for Need.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Last night was a late night for me and I didn’t get much sleep (my watch tells me it was under 5 hours…) And I probably would have fart sacked if I hadn’t signed up for the Q many months back. I was surprised by my ability to handle it this morning… we’re probably always capable of more than we think we are. I would encourage everyone to slot themselves in 5-6 times on the Q sheet each year to hold yourself accountable! And I was inspired and encouraged by Delorean’s willingness to step up and lead 3rd F activities for the region - mostly just inspired by his desire to give back to others and help out brothers in need. Like he said, we’re all carrying a lot and it’s usually right under the surface. And we can encourage and build up one another a lot more by sharing those burdens. As always, honored to lead!

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