Burpee Safari

AO: Rubicon

When: 2024-08-15

QIC: Speedo

PAX (14): Avis, Cookie, Devito, Dosido, False Start, FannyPack, Lefty, lumbergh, MillerTime, No-See-Um, Pinkey, Special K, Speedo, Sweep3r


Hoping for an FNG but he wasn't ready. Got a seasoned crowd and got to work.


Mosey somewhere for:
  • Weedpickers x10 IC
  • Hillbillies x10 IC
  • Copperhead squats x10 IC
  • Hangovers OYO
  • Phelps OYO

The Thang:

Explained the burpee safari idea which would start with 10 regular burpees and 10 monkey humpers at the warm-up spot. Sound effects began. After a short mosey we stopped and Pax were instructed to do 10 hurpees (burpee with a hand release merkin) and 20 monkey humpers. Another short mosey and we stopped to do 5 prison cell burpees and 15 monkey humpers. Many of the pax did not seem to be familiar with this joyous exercise and the excitement was palpable. Sound effects were uncomfortably natural and mumblechatter about 'monkey kink' and 'monkey foreplay' began. #awkward Mosey another short distance and stopped to do 5 more prison cell burpees and another 15 monkey humpers. Finally found our way to the board of pain set up by the pool gate. To celebrate my oldest son's 28th birthday last weekend, we did 28 reps of each and as-many-rounds-as-possible of the following well-curated collection:
  • Mercans
  • Sumo squats
  • Lunges - single
  • LBCs
  • Mike Tysons
  • Low plank for 28 seconds
  • Run the parking lot
Everyone finished two full rounds and a few did more before YHC called for movement to the next fun. Lumburgh thought we were going back to the flag but we were only going toward the flag. At the bottom of the grassy hill at the end of the parking lot YHC introduced a simple round of 7's. We merged the second and third types of burpees into the Hand Release Prison Cell Burpee at the bottom. At the top was what came to be called the compass squat. Basically a jump squat but rotate 90 degrees every time with four jumps equalling one rep. We ran out of time as the pax were just enjoying the heck out of this combo.


Prayers for Special K's neighbor (F3 kotter whose name I can't recall) as his wife goes through aggressive cancer treatment. Alien 5k this weekend. Coach Ramos 5k this weekend. Darth Visor/ReadyMix CSAUP on 8/24 at Perimeter Church. 0630 start.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Thanks for taking my lead this morning. We heard from Lumburgh as 'the six' and learned that an F3 rising tide has the ability to lift up all men. We appreciate Lumburgh in all that he does for F3 and means for F3. --Speedo out

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