Burpee Safari
AO: Rubicon
When: 2024-08-15
QIC: Speedo
PAX (14): Avis, Cookie, Devito, Dosido, False Start, FannyPack, Lefty, lumbergh, MillerTime, No-See-Um, Pinkey, Special K, Speedo, Sweep3r
Hoping for an FNG but he wasn't ready. Got a seasoned crowd and got to work.Warm-O-Rama:
Mosey somewhere for:- Weedpickers x10 IC
- Hillbillies x10 IC
- Copperhead squats x10 IC
- Hangovers OYO
- Phelps OYO
The Thang:
Explained the burpee safari idea which would start with 10 regular burpees and 10 monkey humpers at the warm-up spot. Sound effects began. After a short mosey we stopped and Pax were instructed to do 10 hurpees (burpee with a hand release merkin) and 20 monkey humpers. Another short mosey and we stopped to do 5 prison cell burpees and 15 monkey humpers. Many of the pax did not seem to be familiar with this joyous exercise and the excitement was palpable. Sound effects were uncomfortably natural and mumblechatter about 'monkey kink' and 'monkey foreplay' began. #awkward Mosey another short distance and stopped to do 5 more prison cell burpees and another 15 monkey humpers. Finally found our way to the board of pain set up by the pool gate. To celebrate my oldest son's 28th birthday last weekend, we did 28 reps of each and as-many-rounds-as-possible of the following well-curated collection:- Mercans
- Sumo squats
- Lunges - single
- LBCs
- Mike Tysons
- Low plank for 28 seconds
- Run the parking lot