Humperdinck’s PT Test

AO: The Bridge

When: 2024-08-16

QIC: Humperdinck

PAX (15): Boomer, Chubbs (JT Thoms), Dinghy, Fuzzy Dice, Gasleak, Hackeysack, Maguire, Popper (Dan Richard), Potter (Matt Rowand), Scrooge, Spackle, OG Utah, Sloth, Styx


It was a glorious morning to sweat together.


MP, IW, WP, WM, L/R leg stretches, SSH

The Thang:

Not your typical 11s. 9 exercises, 11 reps each, take a lap & repeat.

11 x Thrusters

11 x Curls

11 x American Hammers (with block, alpha)

11 x Skull Crushers

11 x Derkins

11 x Bent Over Rows

11 x Big Boys (with block)

11 x Irkins

11 x KB swings

Take a lap, repeat

All PAX punched it in the face. Wrapped up with some Saturday Night Specials (Pickle Pointers)


Darth Visor & Ready-Mix tribute August 24 - Volunteers needed 2nd F opportunities - Lunch at Moe's BBQ + Fight night at Potter's beginning at 8pm Prayers for Boomer's friend that got a DUI - be mindful, Uber or ask for a ride Praise/prayer - Chubbs has a group of guys that are hungry for the Word and asked about starting a bible study.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

We are growing and no longer just Hooch 2.0. Let's gooooo!

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