Cinder Squares

AO: School Of Rock

When: 2024-08-19

QIC: Irene

PAX (6): False Start, lumbergh, No-See-Um, Tank, The Real Woody


YHC bumped into our School of Rock site Q last weekend who was looking for a Q to fill some spots in the Q sheet. YHC gave the weakest SC ever, so there was no choice but to pick-it-up after that. The call went out with a Cinders required warning and a shout-out to #mumblechatter to let everyone know about the new day of for 0.0 beatdowns.


Pax formed a circle while awaiting the start, so we immediately started our warm-up in true 0.0 style. SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, Arm Circles and Michael Phelps.

The Thang:

YHC laid cones out in a 4x4 grid about two parking spaces between each cone. We began with Rifle Carrys along the outside edges with 20 Offset Merkins at each corner. (80 total) Next, we lined up along one outside edge and shoulder carried our cinders straight across doing 15 Bent-Over Rows at each line. (45 total) About Face! We goblet carried back with 15 Goblet Squats at each line. (45 total) Rifle Carry to the inner square. One lap around the inner square while Rifle Carrying. 5 World War III Sit-Ups (Chest Press to big boy up to chest press at the top and big boy down) at each corner. (20 total) 20 Single Count Step-Ups on your vertical cinder. (20 Total) YHC placed a cinder at the mid point of lines of the inner square. Recalling Iron Pax 2022, we did a Care Bear Square (without changing orientation Bear Crawl Forward, then sideways, then backwards, then sideways back to the start) while stopping at the cinder for 3 Merkins. (12 total) 40 Chest Press in the Pickle Pointer Position (40 Total). The set above finished a lot faster than the first time I ran this at SoR, so we started back at the top. We made it through the Step-ups before returning to the flag for Mary (Gas Pumpers and LBCs)


Prayers, Praises, and Announcements: -Darth Visor CSAUP Saturday 8/24

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Thanks for coming out and supporting the School of Rock on a new day. Keep spreading the word so we can build this AO up. It was an honor to lead as always.

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