Stairway to Heaven

AO: The Bound

When: 2024-08-21

QIC: Tank

PAX (17): Birdie, Cookie, Ha-ha, MillerTime, Nacho Libre, No-See-Um, Red Ryder (the one that posts), Rudy, Shroot, Stu, Tsunami, Breaker, Toy Story, June Bug, Golden Corral, FNG Cousin Eddie


Another great day at the Bound, temps in the 60’s, pre-blast with the BD name Stairway to Heaven out there…how will we all do?


SSH Windmill Imperial Walker Mosey showing cone locations

The Thang:

Teams broken into 3 or 4.  Team Leader assigned to ensure team does things right and moves as a unit. First cone - individual exercises for each pax- can be done in any order or rep breakdown 100 Flutter Kicks (alpha) 100 Diamond Mercans 50 Bonnie Blair’s Once individuals are done, team does combined 25 Burpees to move to the next station Cone 2 50 V-ups 100 Carolina dry docks 100 air squats another 25 burpees per team Cone 3 100 Dying cockroach (alpha) 60 HRM 100 Lunges (single) another 25 burpees per team Cone 4 100 Freddy Mercury’s (single) 100 Mercans 70 Bobby Hurleys   No team completed cone 4, mosey back to flag


Prayers for Birdie, and men of NLB, praise for Nacho’s daughter

Naked-Man Moleskin:

The Bound is always a great AO, and an honor to lead

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