Getting Swole to Avoid the Monkeypox

AO: Badapple

When: 2024-08-23

QIC: The Real Woody

PAX (17): Chalupa, Chubbs, Cradle, goat, Goose, No-See-Um, PushBack, Roman, Rusty, Sell-out, Spider, Sprocket, Sweep3r, Tank, The_OG Zima, Boucher


As the clock struck 5:30 AM, the world was still cloaked in darkness, but the air was alive with anticipation. The sounds of chirping birds and rustling leaves filled the atmosphere, creating a jungle-like ambiance around the AO.  17 PAX, ready for an adventure, gathered outside, prepared to embark on a workout that would be as thrilling as exploring the wild. One by one, they arrived, their headlights cutting through the darkness like beams of sunlight piercing through the jungle canopy. The sound of car doors slamming and laughter echoed in the cool morning air, breaking the stillness. Despite the early hour, excitement buzzed among the group.“What's up beatches?” shouted The Real Woody, the QIC, as he rallied the troops. The guys roared in response, their voices echoing like a pack of wild animals ready to embark on an expedition.


As they gathered in a clearing surrounded by towering trees and the faint glow of the bathroom lights, The Real Woody led them through a jungle-themed warm-up. They stretched and moved, mimicking jungle animals as they engaged in dynamic movements—swinging their arms like monkeys and lunging like leopards stalking their prey.  "Yooouuuu can do it" encouraged The Real Woody, guiding them through lunges and arm circles. The camaraderie was infectious, and soon they were all joking about their lack of coordination during the stretches, laughing as they pretended to leap over imaginary logs.  (Sounds good)

The Thang:

The Challenge Begins

With everyone warmed up and ready, The Real Woody unveiled the morning’s challenge: a high-intensity circuit workout inspired by the jungle. The circuit included, with a coupon of choosing:
  1. Cone 1: Side Squats The men moved laterally, their muscles already burning as they faced the incline.
  2. Cone 2: Reverse Walking Lunges Backwards they went, carefully navigating the uneven terrain.
  3. Cone 3: Side Squats Another round of side-to-side movement, sweat now glistening on their brows.
  4. Cone 4: Forward Lunges The final push to the top, legs screaming with each step.
Then it was
  • 15 Step-ups ("Alphas")
  • 15 LT Dans (a combination move named after their friend Dan, who just so happened to be friends with Forrest Gump)
  • 50 Calf Raises. (So we can all think of Avis)
Grunts of exertion mixed with words of encouragement as they pushed through the burn. The WALL SIT FINALE To cap off the circuit, they lined up against a nearby tree for wall sits.
  • 60 seconds on
  • 10 seconds off
“Keep those quads parallel to the ground!” The Real Woody shouted, as some began to falter.  More to himself than anyone. Now let's run Zima's Hill and repeat the circuit... The ARM Workout: The Real Woody unveiled the next workout, designed to sculpt their arms for the challenges ahead. The workout consisted of two rounds of intense exercises:
  1. 50 Curls “Let’s channel our inner gorillas!” he called out as they grabbed their coupons and began curling. The guys focused on their form, feeling the burn in their biceps as they powered through the reps, their muscles working like the strong vines of the jungle.
  2. 50 Skull Crushers Next up were skull crushers, a challenging move that required precision and strength. “Keep those elbows steady, like a tree trunk!” The Real Woody shouted, motivating everyone to push through the fatigue. Laughter erupted as they joked about the name, imagining themselves as jungle warriors battling imaginary foes.
  3. 25 Diamond Push-Ups “Time to work those triceps!” he then announced as they transitioned to diamond push-ups. The guys positioned themselves on the ground, forming a diamond shape with their hands. “Feel the burn, just like the heat of the jungle!” The Real Woody encouraged, and the group pushed through, grunting and cheering each other on.
  4. 25 Pistol Squats Finally, they tackled pistol squats, a test of balance and strength. “Channel your inner jungle cat!” Woody called out, as they each took turns executing the challenging move. The guys cheered for one another, celebrating each successful squat with shouts of encouragement...especially Goat.
Then it was a second round with some Merkins thrown in for good measure.  Flip over and do as many V-Ups as time would permit...which was 2 minutes.  TIME.    


Prayers for Sprocket's family and all our PAX. Welcome Boucher!

Naked-Man Moleskin:

As they dispersed to start their day, each man knew they had not only built strength in their arms but also strengthened the bonds of friendship that would carry them through whatever challenges lay ahead. This jungle workout had become a cherished memory, a testament to their dedication and camaraderie. At coffee afterwards, 8 PAX enjoyed each other's company and ol' Pushback who is full of incredible information from his days at the CDC mumbled something about keeping the monkeypox away. Always a privilege, but need to do a better job of using AI in the BB.

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