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AO: Rubicon

When: 2024-08-27

QIC: Irene

PAX (10): Boucher, Cox, Cradle, Dipstick, Dosido, False Start, FannyPack, Lil Hurt, Special K


Rubicon needed some Qs, so YHC grabbed a spot. I've got a few gimmicks still under construction, but nothing was ready for primetime - back to basics it is.


Mosey to the Flagpole for a warm-o-rama. On the way we knocked out High Knees, Butt Kickers, Carioka Right and Carioka Left. After circling up, we performed SSH, Weedpickers, Imperial Walkers, arm circles, and COVIDs. With that done, we moved over to the concession stand to start the real thang.

The Thang:

We started the first set with a 60s Balls to the Wall before rounding the set out with 20x Lt. Dans (Lunge-Lunge-Squat), 20x Diamond Merkins, and 20x Freddie Mercuries (Alpha). As pax finished the set, YHC threw out the last part, a run up the hill (in the dark - next time i'll bring headlamps for this part of the park). Next Set: 25x Plank Jacks, 25x Step-Ups (Alpha), 25x Derkins, and 25x Big Boys + one more run up the hill. Last Set: 30x Imperial Walkers (Alpha), 30x Squats, 30x Merkins, and 30x J.Los (Alpha) and a run up the hill. As pax filtered in, we called it early and picked up the six on the way back up the hill to the running track. One last routine before returning to the shovel flag: Run half a lap, exercise on the far side, finish the second half a lap, exercises back at the start, and then hold a position for the six. We did 4 laps. 1: 10x Groiners and hold the Merkin Down position for the 6. 2: 20x Ranger Merkins and hold a High Plank for the 6. 3: 30x American Hammers (Alpha) and Air Chair for the 6. 4: 10x Burpees and rest for the 6. Mosey straight back to the shovel flag. We arrived 30s late. Shouldn't have pushed the burpees!


Prayers for those in need and those searching for a job.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Thanks for having me out. Thanks to Boucher and Cradle for joining us from Bad Apple.

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