Some Old & Some New

AO: Rubicon

When: 2024-08-29

QIC: FannyPack

PAX (015): Boucher (Ike Powell), Cookie, Cradle_, Dosido, False Start, FannyPack, Focker, Lil Hurt, No-See-Um, Red Ryder (the one that posts), Shazam, Special K, Tank, Trebek, uga


The humidity is back baby


Mosey around the parking lot as the PAX trickle in.  Mosey included high knees, butt kickers, left and right karaktotateke.  Circle up in the lot for SSH, Weedpickers, windmills, imperial walkers, arm circles fwd & back, and Moraccan night clubs.  Finished up with 15 seconds of Hangovers on each side.

The Thang:

Mosey through the gloom to the lower playground where we did Morning Call-ish.  Two at a time, PAX went to the pull up bars and rather than pull ups tucked their knees to their chests x5 counting aloud.  The rest of us held high plank & mercan'ed in time. Next we moseyed to the SpeedBump for 7's.  False Start really wanted us to all go to some other hill instead, I'm not sure why.  Anyway on the SpeedBump we did BB sit ups at the bottom and squats at the top.  It was nice to be back at the SpeedBump, we should go there more. Next we all mosey'd to the FOD which everyone wants to rename for some reason.  "Meadow of Intentions" just doesn't sing, we just leave stuff named what it's always been.  Sheesh. Rollercoaster Tracks were first at the FOD; we lined up with full arm span space between, and alternated High and Low Plank.  We actually made two lines for time's sake.  Like an Indian Run, the last man goes to the front, but the go under the high planks and over the low planks.  Everyone gets a turn. Finally, we circled up around the pitchers mound for Fire Drills.  We all did high knees in place, and around the circle each PAX says "Fire".  When someone says Fire, we all drop, roll to the right, mercan, roll back to the left, mercan, then get back up & resume high knees.  Everyone gets a turn to say Fire.


We had a prayer request for a PAX in a different AO whose marriage is going through a bad time.  Also two prayer requests for health of family & friends.  Special K's band is playing soon (next Friday?).  Check Monday start times b/c of Labor Day.  Iron Pax is coming up. TNT & The Six were both on Dosido, who is turning 50 and has the Q next Tuesday.  Great to hear a bit of his story and his journey with F3.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Great crew this morning, thanks for playing along, thanks for pushing me & for the opportunity to lead.

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