And now for something completely different.

AO: Boneyard

When: 2024-08-30

QIC: FannyPack

PAX (014): Daisy, Dutch Oven, FannyPack, Floater, Half-Dozen, Manscape, Mater, Meatball, Mounty, Shrimp, Soccer Mom, Speedo, Stifler (Boneyard), TARDIS


Well, mostly different.  kinda similar.  whatever.


Mosey around to the upper parking lot with high knees, butt kickers, left and right karaktotateke.  Circle up in the lot for SSH, Weedpickers, windmills, imperial walkers, arm circles fwd & back, and Moraccan night clubs.  Finished up with 15 seconds of Hangovers on each side.

The Thang:

Mosey through the gloom to the pullup bars where we did Morning Call-ish.  Two at a time, PAX went to the pull up bars and rather than pull ups tucked their knees to their chests x5 counting aloud.  The rest of us held high plank & mercan'ed in time. Next we moseyed down the hill to the lower pond for 7's.  BB sit ups at the bottom and squats at the top where the paved walk splits off to the right.  Next we all mosey'd to the lacrosse field.  Rollercoaster Tracks were first up; we lined up with full arm span space between, and alternated High and Low Plank in one big line.  Like an Indian Run, the last man goes to the front, but the go under the high planks and over the low planks.  As each running man passes you, switch plank style.  Everyone gets a turn. Finally, we circled up around the center field for Fire Drills.  We all chopped our feet, and around the circle each PAX says "Fire".  When someone says Fire, we all drop, roll to the right, mercan, roll back to the left, mercan, then get back up & resume high knees.  Everyone gets a turn to say Fire.


Safe travels for Mounty.  Reminder about the late start Monday.  Reminder about IronPax.  Forgot to do the six (sorry Tardis).

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Great crew at the Boneyard, some new faces and some new exercises.  Have a great weekend all, thanks for the opportunity to lead.

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