Monkey Business
Making Beatdowns Great Again. You're welcome @yankee.
Making Beatdowns Great Again. You're welcome @yankee.
First time Q at School of Rock, threw out a pre-ruck option.. no takers. But wait there is Sweeper for a pre-run. Been nursing a…
YHC burned his creative Q juices earlier in the week, so this would be a rather last-minute and random affair.
Asked PAX to bring a coupon. Cinder is preferred, but KB will do.
Expecting a good share of trash talking from FannyPack over my beat down this morning, but surprisingly, he had little in him. Either my BD…
We rucked up to Clubhouse on an out and back, just under 3 miles
Ran down Norcross st, around Grimes Bridge rd, and cut through Roswell Station back to the flag. Nice cooler temps.
As the clock struck 5:30 AM, the world was still cloaked in darkness, but the air was alive with anticipation. The sounds of chirping birds…