Clear your Head
AO: Rubicon
When: 2024-10-24
QIC: Tank
PAX (13): Cookie, Deep dish, Devito, Dosido, Groundhog, Irene, No-See-Um, Pinkey, Red Ryder (the one that posts), Special K, Stroller, Sweep3r
With all the politics, work stress, family stress there is one way to clear the mind, a good old fashioned BD to push the physical limits. Add to that some team competition and for a short time in the morning we can go back to days of the past playing sports and competing against friends.Warm-O-Rama:
Some basic stuffThe Thang:
Two teams. Always one runner around track Always one carrying two cinders down the field and back Mode of travel from cone to cone - bear crawl 5 perfect mercans each time you reach another cone Exercises with various countsMercans
Flutter kicks
Bobby Hurleys
Carolina dry docks
Bonnie Blair’s
Freddy Mercury’s
Air squats
Big Boys
No surrenders
Gas pumpers