Paint the Park

AO: Black Widow

When: 2025-01-04

QIC: Speedo

PAX (11): Boomer, DeLorean, FannyPack, G String, Ha-ha, Lotus, ShuttleCock, Tater tot, Turk, Github


First Q of the new year...gotta make it a good one. I tried to give some basic directions at the beginning but everyone was kind of chatty so I yelled at them to help with morale. This caused them to chat more so we just took off.


Mosey to the top of the BFH for:
  • Weed pickers x10 IC
  • Copperhead squats x10 IC
  • SSH x10 IC
  • Hillbillies x10 IC
  • WGS while YHC again explained the plan (see below)

The Thang:

Each pax was asked to pick their first, second and third areas of focus from the following list:
  • Upper body
  • Core
  • Lower body
There would be 10 stations around the park. We moseyed to the bottom of the hill to station 1. Pax were given one exercise for each of the three body areas above and were told to do 40 reps of said exercise. They were also given a MOT to get to the next station. Once the six was done and caught up to the group the MOT would change to running until we reached the next station. At the second station we switched to the #2 area of focus for each person and then to the third area of focus on the third station. Rinse and repeat (focus #1, #2, #3) with 30 reps then another R&R with 20 reps. We finished round 10 on the pitch and back to the #1 focus. Pax were challenged to get 50 reps and then do in-place inchworms for the six until time was called. We did lots of running and everyone loved it. I'm sure I'm going to get thank you notes from a few guys who really REALLY loved it. My goal was to cover almost all of the roads/trails in the park and we did all I had planned. The mumblechatter was great and really made a tough workout more fun. The planned list of exercises is below. Some on-the-spot modifications may have been made.
Station Upper Core Lower MOT
1 Merkins BBSUs Squats Bunny hops
2 Dry Docks LBCs Monkey Humpers Broad Jumps
3 Tysons Freddies Star Jumps High Skip
4 Shoulder Taps Dying Cockroach Turkish get-ups Bear Crawl
5 Annies J-Lo's Sumo squats Crawl bear
6 HR Merkins High Plank Air chair Hill repeats
7 Dirty Hookup E2K Donkey Kicks Lunge walk
8 Wide Merkins V-ups Fire Hydrants Fox Holes
9 Prison Cell Burpees Newton's Cradle Mountain Climbers Stairs
10 Diamond Merkins Crab cakes Plank Jacks Inch Worms


Reminder to visit your doctor and (the hardest part) to do what he/she/they/them/our/zer recommends. We all try to take care of our bodies but as we age there are things that need a closer look. It starts with an annual physical exam! Reminder of the #event_challenge channel on Slack with all kinds of fun add-ons to get you stronger. Blood drive on Sunday January 12. Check Slack for details.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Thanks for allowing me to lead this morning. It's been a minute since I Q'd at BW and the park really has so much to offer. I laughed a lot this morning which always makes the day better. You guys mean so much to me. --Speedo out

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