Welcome to Roman’s Miami

AO: Nirvana

When: 2025-03-08

QIC: Sprocket

PAX (17): Dosido, Flea, Groundhog, Icee, MillerTime, PushBack, Roman, Shazam, Shortcake, Special K, Sweep3r, Tank, The Real Woody, Thud, turkey, therealroundup


what’s better than filling a spot on the Q sheet? Volun-telling another PAX that’s wanting to keep working on his Cubano-Spanish South Beach Bod’ that he’s going to take 1/2 of the workout. that’s what. Vamanos!


F3 Mission Statement Disclaimer Mtn Climbers, Shoulder Taps, SSH’s, Imperial Walkers, Cotton pickers, karaoke/an around the lot all IC, 15 reps except for movement around the lot. Mosey to back of MHS classroom building.

The Thang:

Thang Uno All PAX rotated through body weight stations and various coupon exercises doing dumbbell manmakers, rows, hanging cleans, ground to over the shoulder cleans, kettlebell swings and med ball slams while each man took his turn running to tractor tire ~50 yards away and taking a sledgehammer to it 5x before running back. Those PAX at body weight stations performed High Planks, Shoulder taps and air squats. Thang Dos Roman was inspired to get a South Beach worthy derrière and had the PAX run to the LAX practice field for tres rounds of “deportations”. It worked this: Run 50 yards from ICE agents, perform 20 ‘Mericanos and 20 squats before lung walking the remainder of the field.  perform Maria for the 6. Satisfied with how the PAX’s nolgitas were progressing, Roman had the PAX mosey to the classroom building wall to perform huevos-2-thee-wall followed by Bonnie Blair’s Cuban cousin, Jumping Bean, 20 Alpha count. Three rounds of this resulted in a definite crisis for the PAX’s hombros and piernas.  The final round culminated in the last hombre hand-standing. Meeler Time was deemed the Werner with Dos-ee-do putting up a worthy effort: Close but no cigar (Cuban or otherwise). Something about missiles was mentioned but none were seen.  Mosey back to the flag.


Welcome, therealRoundUp! And, thanks to Sweep3r and The real morning Woody for EH’g him. Black Ops run opportunities for those training for upcoming CSAUP-level running events. Bad Apple 5th Anniversary celebration and Change of Command coming up 21 March at Bad Apple AO. Alpha Region’s 10th Anniversary coming up the weekend of May at Rubicon AO with 12 hours of beatdowns scheduled and a convergence. Plan to join in the celebrations.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

“Leave no man behind–Leave no man where you found him”. There’s a true crisis in our country where men are in need of fitness, fellowship and faith. F3 may not be perfect but it can go a long way to help men get to a better place in their lives.  Give F3 away, gents. Sprocket and Romano out!

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