5 Year Maniversary March Madness

AO: Windjammer

When: 2025-03-19

QIC: Townie

PAX (12): Caroline, Deep dish, Dipstick, Diva, False Start, IKEA, NRA, Shingle, Sparkie, Townie, uga, Walkie Talkie


As of 4pm yesterday, we had 2 HCs.  Once everyone learned today was a special day we jumped to 9 HCs and 12 PAX posted.  Well done, men.  Celebrating 5 years(ish) in the gloom for your boy Townie/Towelie/Back Door Brad/Daaaady here.  Do you even F3 if you don't have at least 3 side-nicknames?  Pshhhh.


Mosey to dam.  WP, IW, WMH, TS, AC, MPs....

The Thang:

Mosey to the Sports Park.  Surprise!  We have a whiteboard with a MADNESS exercise planned. Break out into 2 groups:  Group 1 (who didn't follow any instructions whatsoever) and Group 2 (my group, who followed the instruction to a T) .  1 group on each side of the basketball court. Break into partners for a DORA.  1 exercise while 1 runs to the lightpost/gate and back. Both PAC shoot a free throw.  If both make, you skip the exercise altogether and move to the next.  If both miss, you double the reps.  If you go 1 for 2, you simply perform the reps on the board as such:
  • M erkins - 64
  • A merican Hammers (A) - 128
  • D ying Cockroaches (A) - 128
  • N avy Seal Burpees - 32
  • E 2K's (each side) - 64
  • S quats - 128
  • S it-Ups - 64
Since Group 1 shoots free throws like Shaquille O'Neal, they simply stopped shooting at all.  Until Deep Dish came back from his running and start missing layups. I'm convinced Dipstick is the second coming of Pistol Pete Maravich for hitting 2 free throws in the dark.


Prayers up for our brother at Gladiator going through some tough times.  

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Appreciate you all coming out.  Cheers to 5 years and here's to 5 more!

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