Rattlesnake? Yo pass the Q

AO: Badapple

When: 2025-03-21

QIC: Spider

PAX (33): aflac, Bear, Buckshot, Catheter, Chalupa, Chevy, Clickbait, Cookie, Dosido, False Start, goat, Goose, Ha-ha, HighTide, Meltdown, Ollie, Ponyboy, PushBack, Red Ryder (the one that posts), Rusty, Shortcake, Special K, Speedo, Spider, Sprocket, Sweep3r, Switch, Tank, The_OG Zima, The_Real Chubbs, TheBurn, Thud, Trebek


Five year anniversary of the AO Badapple on 3/21/25. Five years ago, at the start of the US shutdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic this AO was launched. It is also the date of the peaceful transfer of power from the current Site Q to the new Site Q.


A little activity to get the blood moving. A few in place exercises (SSH, etc) followed by a parking lot mosey.

The Thang:

After a brief introduction, Spider, the QIC, launched into one of his favorite jam band songs, RATTLESNAKE. The PAX who knew the song all cheered in glee knowing the fun they were about to embark on; the pax who had not yet benefited from this song soon joined in the joy of the song. For the duration of the song all PAX are to do Flutter's when you hear Rattlesnake all PAX owe an LBC. As the song began to wrap up a sudden record scratch interruption occurred. PAX looked around wondering what was going on. Possibly a glitch in the playlist? Spider did encounter a couple hiccups kicking off the song maybe this was another one. However, Sweep3r stood up and started saying something to the effect that he thought it was enough of Rattlesnake. The sounds of AC/DC started ringing throughout the air. Is that possibly Thunderstruck? Yes it is! THUNDERBURPEE TIME! Sweep3r announces that for the song all PAX:
  • air thrusters for song
  • when you hear thunder 1 burpee is owed
All PAX were so excited to have the new song they whined a bit when the song ended. No fear, Sweep3r scooped up the hidden Bose Boomshakala UNE speaker, shouted to follow him to the center of the soccer field and provided the scenario for the next set of exercises while Tribe Called Quest started playing Scenario.
The scenario:
  • mosey to the field after our thunderburpees.
  • Follow the leader. Single file until we reach the center field circle and we will circle up into high plank.
  • Each PAX does 1 mercan & counts up in sequence, starting clockwise with YHC. Total each PAX perfomed 2 mercans
Air chair for next set of instructions.
In between each exercise run to far end of field 5 burpees, return, high plank for 6. Then next exercise.
  1. 10 bonnie blairs (alpha)
  2. 20 diamond mercans
  3. 30 reverse lunge (alpha)
  4. 40 OH air press
  5. 5O Jump squats
  6. 60 reverse crunch
  7. 70 squats
  8. 80 Flutters (alpha) AND TIME to head back to the flag partially through the flutters. Mosey back to the flag. The remaining 2 exercises that we did not get to (9 and 10).
  9. 90 BBSU
  10. 100 plank jacks
At the flag we circled up for a cirle of Mary starting to Sweep3r's right. About 3 - 4 minutes of Mary. AND TIME. Sweep3r's playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4yKPTfASh3DIZSb09vWIJB?si=dZOSyNcpSQG9dtmlXn4XAg&pi=FpZopQ0FSqyH_


Announcements: Hapha day coming up on May 2-3. Praise for Penny (Sprocket's niece) is eating and getting stronger. Prayer for all those unspoken prayers and the PAX not present.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Spider led the BA AO and helped grow our group. He handed off the AOQ to Sweep3r, who gladly accepted (after he understood the duties involved with accepting this position). We were humbled by how many pax came out to celebrate and share the moment with us. Thank you for leading us over the past year, Spider. Finally, Sprocket handed out Badapple "V" patches for the past site Q's for the 6 PAX who led: Sprocket, TheBurn, Ollie, Goose, Rusty and Spider. Congrats to our prior AOQ's. Now get back to work.

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